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Our Mission Statement: 

‘The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster is a people focused organisation with the objective of encouraging individual development, creativity, initiative and contribution for the benefit of the member, the Charity, Industry and the Community.’

An organisation for young people, run by young people.


51 Clubs throughout Northern Ireland meet formally on a fortnightly basis ! 


Each club operates with an officer team including a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and PRO, all of whom are within membership age and are elected at the Clubs Annual General Meeting.


Each club is required to run democratically following the Articles of Association and provide a programme of activities that the young people are responsible of delivering and developing.



What takes place at a club meeting?

Club meetings are usually held on a fortnightly basis between the months of September and April. After the formal commencement of each meeting comes the main programme, which can be almost anything the members what to do, including trips away, farm visits or educational talks about topics such as farm safety and mental health.


Club structure:

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Executive Committee

The executive committee has circa thirty members representing at least 10 clubs throughout Northern Ireland. 


The function of the Executive Committee is to manage all the affairs and activities of the YFCU.














​​​County Committee

All 6 counties have their own committee. The County Committee includes four members from each club in the county, Senior leader of each Junior club, one representative of the County Committee of the UFU, four members co-opted by the committee and at least one member of staff.​​

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Central Committees

There are four Central Committees Programmes and Development (P&D), Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (AERA), Travel  & Wellbeing and Development

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